MPE Special Seminar


Wednesday, 16th August 2023

08:30 am – 12:00 pm

at Aachen Conference Room 3rd floor, TGGS Building, KMUTNB


Dr.-Ing. Michael Grosse

International Project Coordinator

Nowadays, Innovation is a frequently used term in the meaning of something new or originally. But we can found it in the context of evaluation of countries economie’s as well. What exactly is innovation and why is it so important?

The seminar gives a comprehensive understanding of innovation and explains the context to related terms like invention, information, technology transfer, know how or knowledge. The roles of intellectual property rights will be explained as well. Finally, some real examples from speakers experience will be used to initiate a discussion showing how to boost and manage innovation in a practical way.

Pre-Registration Required, Scan on QR Code

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Onsite: Maximum 20 seats only

Online: Unlimited (via Microsoft Teams)

For more information, please contact

Tel.: +66 2555 2926

Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering