Pre Industrial Research and Development Laboratory Center (Pre-R&D Lab Centre)
with cooperation from
the National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office (STI), King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), and the Studies for Society Science and Technology Foundation (STF)
1. Background
Science and technology have been recognized by the government as key areas for driving the improvement of the country’s economy and society, overcoming the middle income trap (MIT) and increasing growth and competition. Private companies, both Thai and multinational are important keys for investment. The government appreciates this investment and will provide motivation through the budget, tax, human resources, investment in science and technology infrastructure and improvement of related laws and regulations, especially the policy of research and development centre establishment for improving Thailand’s competition capacity.
The Promotion Centre for the Development of Corporate R&D Centres in Thailand (CRDC) Facilitation Unit, the Sciences for Society Science and Technology Foundation (STF) working in partnership with the National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office (STI) has recognized the necessity of private research and development centre establishment. It hereby announces the Pre Industrial Research and Development Laboratory Centre to offer preliminary service and support for both Thai and multinational companies in research and development centre establishment to promote co-laboratories between private and academic sectors. The related space, for promoting the investment of the private sector in research and development, referred to government policy, is offered by KMUTNB or related network sectors to support the readiness of complete private company research and development centre establishment. This activity is expected to increase the knowledge, experience and attitude transfer between the private sector and academics, as well as creating a good environment for research and development. It will consist of research and development staff, supervisors, tools and equipment, up to date knowledge and technology from both inside and outside Thailand, and be also available for the Thailand production line.
2. Objectives
2.1 To promote the R&D investment of private companies in the ratio of 70:30 for private companies and government organizations respectively, the achieved total investment is expected to reach 1% of GDP in 2016, and 2% in 2021
2.2 To promote and strengthen the private sector, either Thai or multinational companies and R&D centres in Thailand
2.3 To boost the investment in R&D centres for private companies, either Thai or multinational in Thailand
3. Obligations
To establish collaboration between government and academics leading to a sustainable and concrete improvement in the private sector (both Thai and multinational companies) and R&D centres in Thailand
4. Benefits
4.1 To participate in outdoor seminars to understand the capability and service of related Thai divisions and sectors in research and development
4.2 A subsidy of up to 50% for establishing a private laboratory on the 9 th floor of The Sirindhorn Thai – German Graduate School of Engineering (TGGS), KMUTNB
4.3 A subsidy of up to 30% for research and development improvement, technology transfer and collaboration of human resource development between industry, academic and research units, to be considered from the project request
4.4 A subsidy of up to 30% for the equipment for joint use, to be considered from the project request
1. The entrepreneurs must comply and act according to the rules and regulations of divisions or sectors who own the space
2. The subsidies in 4.3 – 4.4 depend on the project request
5. Applicant qualification
5.1 The industry, business or technology must be within the target area of the Promotion Centre for the Development of Corporate R&D Centres in Thailand
5.2 To perform activities leading to the investment of research and development in the requested laboratory space within two years
5.3 To cooperate with private companies or academics to create sustainable and concrete joint research and development
5.4 To present the results of the research and development leading to industrial innovation improvements
5.5 To submit the Pre-Industrial Research and Development Laboratory Centre application to the Promotion Centre for the Development of Corporate R&D Centres in Thailand
6. Consideration criteria
6.1 Sustainability and capability of the activity plan leading to the improvement of research and development centre of collaborated private industries
6.2 Activity impact against Thailand’s competition capacity
6.3 Consistency between industry, business and technology and the Thai target